1.77″ Shattuckite Sphere Congo SPOS43

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Here’s is a lovely shattuckite sphere. Well, it it not just shattuckite because there is cuprite (reddish), chrysocolla (turquoise), malachite, and hematite as well.

1.77" Shattuckite Sphere Congo SPOS43
1.77″ Shattuckite Sphere Congo SPOS43

This shattuckite came from Africa but Dale re-worked it to make it smooth and give it a great polish.

The sphere is rather dark but it comes alive when viewed under a reading light or even better in sunlight. A little red color in most of the photos is a reflection of my t-shirt (sorry).

This shattuckite sphere weighs about 5.6oz  and it has about 1.77″ diameter (45.1 mm).

Origin: Congo. See more photos of this sphere below.

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Price: $230.00.

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