3.4″ Septarian Sphere Aragonite Calcite Ball SPOS107

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This septarian sphere is large and of excellent quality. This material is the inside of a nodule that looks like a mud ball. There are septarian nodules in various parts of the world and they all have have their own characteristics including colors. The nodule for this ball came from Madagascar.

3.4" Septarian Sphere Aragonite Calcite Ball SPOS107
3.4″ Septarian Sphere Aragonite Calcite Ball SPOS107

Septarian consists of calcite (yellow) aragonite (brown) and clay (gray). The sphere has wonderful patterns and a great polish.

The sphere was made in Madagascar and it is great for a sphere collection and outstanding for decor.

See more photos of this sphere below.

Its approximate weight is 2.1 lbs and it has about 3.4″ diameter (87.4 mm).

Origin: Madagascar.

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Price: $135.00.

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