4.88″ Ocean Jasper Sphere Madagascar SPJ43

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This sphere is made of ocean jasper, it is old stock, and it does have orbs!

Some orbs are in the large white band section. They are in the center of and with rays ending at the corners of  hexagons. In the white band, there are also lots of dot-like orbs.

4.88" Ocean Jasper Sphere Madagascar SPJ43
4.88″ Ocean Jasper Sphere Madagascar SPJ43

The yellow/brown sections are full of orbs, flowers, and various other patterns. There is a lot to discover  in these sections and it is amazing if using a magnifying glass.

See more photos of this sphere below.

The white band is beautiful. It is like porcelain and full of clear fortification agates, vugs with crystals, little orbs, and hexagons.

The sphere is of very high quality of material and workmanship. It is very special and it has been in our personal collection for many years.  I have never seen anything like it.

Its approximate weight is 5.4 lbs and it has about 4.88″ diameter (124 mm).

Origin: The sphere was made in Madagascar.

Shipping is free in the USA. For other countries, please see Store Policies.

Price: $1350.00.

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