2.67″ Jet Sphere Black Lignite Witches Stone SPOS61

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Here’s an unusual sphere. It is made of jet which is a variety of lignite

2.67" Jet Sphere Black Lignite Witches Stone SPOS61
2.67″ Jet Sphere Black Lignite Witches Stone SPOS61

The sphere was made in Australia but dale reworked it to improve its polish.

Jet is relatively hard material which makes it possible to work with it and make carving, jewelry, and…spheres!

The stone was thought of magical (thus witches’ stone) and it was used for protection.

See more photos of this sphere below …well, nothing more to show maybe just a couple of more photos.

The sphere is “JET BLACK” and very smooth with an incredible feel to it. It has a few unavoidable surface imperfections mostly on one of the “poles”.

This jet sphere has a 2.67″ diameter and its weighs about 7.1 oz.

Origin: Australia.

Price: $285.00. Shipping is free in the USA. For other countries please see Store Policies.

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